Tuesday, 1 March 2016

RDBMS Lab@Home 12

1. You are a database administrator at AdventureWorks, Inc. As a part of regular maintenance, you need to check the following details:
Current sessions
File space usage
Current transactions
Current connections
How will you perform this task?


2.  You are a database administrator at AdventureWorks, Inc. You want to check the information about the operating system resources that are specific to SQL Server. How will you do this?


3. You are a database administrator at AdventureWorks, Inc. The following statements are executed to check the state of I/O operations: 
Select * sys.dm_db_backup_tapes 
Select * from sys.dm_db_pending_io_requests 
Select * from sys.dm_db_cluster_shared_drives 
Select * from sys.dm_db_virtual_files_stats
 However, the preceding statements generated an error. Identify the error and provide the solution.

4. You are a database administrator at AdventureWorks, Inc. and want to generate an effective execution plan on the Employee table. For this, create a statistics on the Employee table. In addition, show the list of all the statistics maintained on the Employee table?

5.You are a database administrator at AdventureWorks, Inc. You want to get the information regarding the amount of disk activity generated for the Employee table. How will you perform this task?

6. An employee having contact ID as 2 got married and her last name has been changed to Smith. You have to make the required changes in the Contact table and track these changes by using the CDC method. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

7. An employee having contact ID as 4 has changed his title from (Sr.) to (Mr.). You need to update its record into Contact table and track these changes by using the track changing method. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

RDBMS Lab@Home 11

1. The management of AdventureWorks Incorporation wants that whenever the pay rate of an employee is modified, its effect on the monthly salary of that employee should be displayed. John, the Database Developer at AdventureWorks, has been asked to resolve this problem. Help John to find an appropriate solution.

Ans.  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B08RKBSts8D8WlpaVjVURUJxYms

2.The management of AdventureWorks Incorporation has decided that no user should be able to change the prices of products. In addition, the management wants that all the attempts to change the price should be saved in a temporary table, Temp. John, the Database Developer, has been asked to make significant changes in the database to implement this policy. What should John do to achieve the same?

Ans. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B08RKBSts8D8bHYwQUw3UnYyTEU

3. Create a trigger on the Product table to ensure that if the value for the SafetyStockLevel column becomes less than or equal to the specified ReorderPoint column for a product because of an update operation, a message informing that the reorder level has been attained should be displayed. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

Ans. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B08RKBSts8D8bzV4c2x2TFkzWTQ

4. Create a trigger to ensure that the average of the values in the Rate column of the EmployeePayHistory table should not be more than 20 when the value of the rate is increased. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

Ans. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B08RKBSts8D8eEdLVllldVJIZnc

5. The management of AdventureWorks wants that whenever the account number of a user is modified, the old account number, as well as the new account number, should be instantaneously displayed to the user. How can you accomplish the desired task?

Ans.  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B08RKBSts8D8Snh1QUpPUFNBWTA

6. Create a trigger named Emp_Update on the EmployeeDetail table. This trigger should restrict a user from performing any kind of DML operation on the table before 9 A.M and after 5 P.M. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

Ans. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B08RKBSts8D8TGRfaWVIWWhPUG8

7.Create a trigger named Emp_Delete_Trg on the EmployeeDetails table. This trigger should restrict the deletion of records from the table if the designation of an employee is Manager. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

Ans. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B08RKBSts8D8V3dDNnlxU3YxZ3c

8. Create a trigger named Emp_Update_Trg that will restrict the updation of salary of an employee if the new salary is less than the previous salary in the EmployeeDetails table. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

Ans. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B08RKBSts8D8eDlYN1gyXzllNXc

9. Create a trigger named Emp_Nested_Trg on the EmployeeDetails table for an insert operation. This trigger should ensure that a new record being inserted into the EmployeeDetails table has a matching record in the DeptDetails table. Otherwise, the insert operation is rolled back. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

Ans. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B08RKBSts8D8eWdkQVJDNTZfTEU

10. Consider the following statement:
 SELECT E.EmployeeID, E.EmpName, E.Designation, E.Salary, D.DeptNo, D.DeptName FROM EmployeeDetails E INNER JOIN DeptDetails D ON E.DeptNo=D.DeptNo A view named Emp_Dept has been created on the base tables, EmployeeDetails and DeptDetails, by using the preceding statement. John is the Database Developer with AdventureWorks Incorporation. He wants that the users should be able to insert data in the underlying base tables by using the view. He can implement the desired functionality if the insert operation affects a single table. However, the same cannot be done if multiple tables are involved. He wants to be able to insert data in both the tables with the help of a single insert statement. Help John in resolving the problem.

Ans. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B08RKBSts8D8VU91S0pBYlJzUUE

11. John is a Database Developer. He is not able to delete the unwanted records from the base tables by using the view, Emp_Dept. Help John in resolving the problem.

Ans. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B08RKBSts8D8V205SFAtdmdCMmc

RDBMS Lab@Home 10

1. Create a function that returns the shipment date of a particular order. (Use the AdventureWorks database)


2. Create a batch that finds the average pay rate of the employees and then lists the details of the employees who have a pay rate less than the average pay rate. (Use the AdventureWorks database)


3. Create a function that returns the credit card number for a particular order. (Use the AdventureWorks database)


4. Create a stored procedure that accepts the name of a product and display its ID, number, and availability. (Use the AdventureWorks database)


5. Create a user-defined function that accepts the account number of a customer and returns the customer's name from the Depositor table. Further, ensure that after creating the function, user is not able to alter or drop the Depositor table. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

6. Create a function that returns a table containing the ID and the name of the customers who are categorized as individual customers (CustomerType = 'I'). The function should take one parameter. The parameter value can be either Shortname or Longname. If the parameter value is Shortname, only the last name of the customer will be retrieved. If the parameter value is Longname, then the full name will be retrieved. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

7. Create a batch to check the availability of the product, Chaining Bolts, in the stock. If the product is available, display a message, 'The Stock is available'. If the product is not available, display a message, 'The Stock is not available'. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

8.Create a stored procedure that accepts two numbers, num1 and num2, and displays the result after dividing these two numbers. In addition, num1 should always be greater than num2. If num1 is less than num2, generate a user-defined error message, 'You have entered your numbers in the wrong way'.

9. Create a stored procedure that returns the standard cost of a given product. (Use the AdventureWorks database)


RDBMS Lab@Home 9

1. The SalesOrderDetail and SalesOrderHeader tables store the details of the sales orders.
 You have created a backup of the SalesOrderDetail and SalesOrderHeader tables in the SalesOrderDetail_Backup and SalesOrderHeader_Backup tables. 
To generate a report displaying the sales order ID and the total amount of all the products purchased against an order, you are using the following query: 
SELECT sd.SalesOrderID, SUM(LineTotal) AS [Total Amount] FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail_Backup sd JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader_Backup sh ON sd.SalesOrderID = sh.SalesOrderID GROUP BY sd.SalesOrderID The table contains a large amount of data.
 Suggest a solution to optimize the execution of this query. (Use the AdventureWorks database)


2. The Store table is often queried. The queries are based on the CustomerID attribute and take a long time to execute. Optimize the execution of the queries. In addition, ensure that the CustomerID attribute does not contain duplicate values. (Use the AdventureWorks database)


3. A view has been defined as shown in the following statement: 
CREATE VIEW vwSalesOrderDetail 
 SELECT oh.SalesOrderID, TerritoryID, TotalDue, 
OrderQty, ProductID FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader oh JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail od ON oh.SalesOrderID = od.SalesOrderID 
The following UPDATE statement gives an error when you update the OrderQty and TerritoryID attributes: 
UPDATE vwSalesOrderDetail SET OrderQty = 2, TerritoryID = 4 FROM vwSalesOrderDetail WHERE SalesOrderID = 43659
 Identify the problem and provide the solution. (Use the AdventureWorks database)


4.The SalesOrderDetail table is often queried. The queries are based on the SalesOrderDetailID and SalesOrderID attributes. The execution of the queries takes a long time. Optimize the execution of the queries. In addition, check the performance of the query before and after optimizing the execution of the queries. (Use the AdventureWorks database)


5. The Store table contains the details of all the stores. The HR Manager of AdventureWorks, Inc. frequently queries the Store table based on the names of the stores. He wants to create the following reports:
 A report containing the details of all the stores that contain the word 'bike' in their names. A report displaying the names of all the stores containing the phrase 'Bike Store'.
 Write the query so that the result set is retrieved quickly. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

Ans.  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B08RKBSts8D8NENxa3dsYnhXcTg

6. Display the details of all the credit cards that are of type SuperiorCard. The CreditCard table contains a large amount of data. Therefore, the query takes a long time to retrieve the details of the credit card. You need to optimize the execution of the query so that the result set does not take too much time to be retrieved. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

7. Display the details of all the currencies that contain the words New and Dollar in their names. These words can be included in any order. In addition, you need to make sure that the query does not take too much time to execute. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

8. The manager of the production department wants to analyze the products that contain the exact word 'road' in their description. Write a query so that the result set does not take a long time to execute. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

9. The Store table is often queried. The queries are based on the Demographics attribute and take a long time to execute. Optimize the execution of these queries. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

10.  You need to create a report displaying the details of all the products that contain the word 'top' near the word 'line' in their description. Write a query to retrieve the desired output. Write the query such that it does not take a long time to execute. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

11. The DepartmentHistory table of employees is often queried. The queries are based on the EmployeeID attribute and take a long time to execute. Optimize the execution of these queries. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

12. Display the details of all the stores having the word 'bike' in their name. In addition, ensure that the report contains the details of those stores that have the sales person ID as 277. You need to write a query so that the result set does not take a long time to be retrieved. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

13.  Create a view to retrieve the employee IDs along with the corresponding Group Name. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

14. Create a view to retrieve SalesOrderId and Price of the Product along with the corresponding Product Name. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

15. Create a view to display SalesOrderId, CustomerId, OrderQty, UnitPrice, SubTotal, and TotalDue of the orders placed. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

RDBMS Lab@Home 8

1. Write an SQL statement to insert a record into the PictureDetails table, which is created in the PictureLibrary database. The following table shows the data to be inserted into the PictureDetails table.


2. Delete all the records from the ProductBrand table in the NarrowFabrics database. Ensure that you do not delete the table.

3. Write an SQL statement to insert a record into the OfficeLocation table, which is created in the PictureLibrary database. The following table shows the data to be inserted into the OfficeLocation table.

4.The users of AdventureWorks need to publish the details of all the customers and their address on the organization's website. To perform this task, you need to retrieve the data in the XML format.

5. The EmployeeDetails table contains the records of the employees. Write a query to delete the records of those employees who are designated as clerk. In addition, ensure that all the deleted rows are displayed after the execution of the query. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

6. The management of AdventureWorks requires a list containing the skills of all the candidates who have applied for a vacancy. The details of all the candidates are stored in the XML format in the HumanResources.JobCandidate table. How will you display the list?

7. Delete all the records from the Employee table in the AdventureWorks database where the department ID is 5.

8. The details of the two employees designated as clerk have been removed from the EmployeeDetails table. Write the SQL statement to reflect these changes made in the EmployeeDetails_Backup table. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

9. There is a change in the production process of the bicycle with the product model ID 7. Due to this change, the bicycle will not be going to work center 10. You need to update this change in the database. How will you perform this task? (Use the AdventureWorks database)

10.Write a query to copy the records of sales with unit price greater than $ 2024.994 in a new table named Sales_od. (Use the AdventureWorks database)

11. You need to create a table named Student_Details to store the details of students in the database. The structure is shown in the following table.

12. Insert a record with the following address in the Address table of the AdventureWorks database: 2125 Yan Street, Bothell-79, Postal Code-98011