The Confirm Delete Page
Once a user clicks the Delete button, the Gifts page is displayed. To implement the preceding
functionality, you have created a model named Gift. Now, you need to help your teammates to
accomplish the preceding task.
Prerequisite: Ask your faculty to provide you the required starter files for this exercise.
Ans https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-yL1mP3zqTbNVp5cVU3aTFUeWc
2. As a member of the development team at GlobalIT, you have developed a Web application for the GiftGallery store. The application allows the administrator of GiftGallery to add, edit, and delete gift items. At present, the application allows the user to add the details of a gift items in simple text box fields. Now, the team decides to update the existing model to implement the following functionalities in the application: Enable the user to select a category of gift item from an existing list, such as Greeting Cards, Toys, Electronic Toys, Perfumes, Watches, Clothes, and Photo Frames, which is retrieved from a table named GiftCategory.
Now, you need to help your teammates to accomplish the preceding task.
Prerequisite: Ask your faculty to provide you the required starter files for this exercise.
Ans https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-yL1mP3zqTbWHZqR29CZ2ZDM28
Ans https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-yL1mP3zqTbNVp5cVU3aTFUeWc
2. As a member of the development team at GlobalIT, you have developed a Web application for the GiftGallery store. The application allows the administrator of GiftGallery to add, edit, and delete gift items. At present, the application allows the user to add the details of a gift items in simple text box fields. Now, the team decides to update the existing model to implement the following functionalities in the application: Enable the user to select a category of gift item from an existing list, such as Greeting Cards, Toys, Electronic Toys, Perfumes, Watches, Clothes, and Photo Frames, which is retrieved from a table named GiftCategory.
Now, you need to help your teammates to accomplish the preceding task.
Prerequisite: Ask your faculty to provide you the required starter files for this exercise.
Ans https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-yL1mP3zqTbWHZqR29CZ2ZDM28
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